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Kentucky Christian University

Kentucky Christian

Finding Articles

As a student of Kentucky Christian University you have access to about 200 print journal titles and over 40,000 electronic journal titles. To access the electronic titles, be prepared to provide your user name and password that will be requested. Follow the directions for setting up your password in our new Online Catalog/ Discovery System Password Guide.

Searching for Articles

To find articles on a particular subject:

  • open a database that will contain articles on your topic area
  • type in your search term
  • identify articles on your result list that would be helpful to your assignment

To find a particular article title:

  • open a database that is about the same subject area as your article.
  • type in your article title

Searching for Journals

Using our Journals searching tool. You can look for a particular journal title and browse individual issues. This is also a helpful tool if you are given the citation of an article that your professor would like for you to read.

To use the Journals tool to locate a particular journal title:

  • click on the link above or locate the “Journals” page under the “Research” tab on the Library web page
  • Type the title of your journal into the search box and click on “search”
  • Locate the title of your journal on the result list. The databases that are underlined tell you where the journal is located in Full Text.
  • Select the database that you prefer using
  • Navigate the database to locate the correct volume and issue of your journal

To use the Journals tool to locate all the journals available on a particular subject:

  • Click on the link above or locate the “Journals” page under the “Research” tab on the Library web page
  • Type in a subject term in the search box and click on “search”
  • Look through the titles listed and select the one that you would like to view.

If at any point of your journal/article search you encounter a request that you pay for an article, close this link. Articles that are not available in full text can be acquired through Inter-Library Loan.  Inter-Library Loan is a free service to all students.  Contact a librarian or contact the library at for assistance retrieving these articles.

Well Prepared

“Thank you so much, Dr. Brickey! I was well prepared, both educationally and most importantly, spiritually. I will forever remember this experience. I pray I can continue to make Yancey School of Nursing proud as I practice my career.”

Nephtalie Fleur, Class of 2022